Product Promotion:
1. Trailers / Announcement
Not every product is trailer-worthy, but announcing the upcoming release of something new can be a short but effective way to garner excitement about your product.
2. Promotional Video Ads
Good products need good ad displays to show your target audience what you're all about. These can spread the word about your product (and brand), and are typically some of the most common marketing seen. It also gives an opportunity add more vibe and personality to your company's offerings. Our team loves pulling together an ad that captures our client's vision and heightens their brand awareness.
3. Demonstration Videos
Sometimes it’s hard for people to get excited about a product if they aren’t sure what it is capable of. This is why demonstration videos, especially time-lapse demonstrations, are so important.
4. Testimonials
A company telling you to buy their product is one thing, but it means a lot more when someone like you is telling you how much they love it. Getting people to share their experience or interaction with your product or service speaks volumes.
5. 3rd Party Reviews
Some companies will send their new products to popular social media reviewers to have them take a look at the product and give an honest opinion. These help potential buyers to make decisions based on reliable influencers. The company can then share links to these videos so
Brand Awareness:
6. Company Culture Videos
Some marketing companies may release a video that covers their company’s culture. These “get-to-know-you” style videos give an inside look at the personality of the company, often by it being set in the workplace or by having employees make comments.
7. Meet the Staff
In the same way a business may feature an employee by posting their picture on the company’s instagram account, this concept can be done with a video as well. Highlight the role of a certain employee and explain why they are a valuable asset to your team. This helps your company appear more personable and approachable.
8. Interview
By holding a Q&A session with someone from your company, it allows followers and clients to hear answers to common questions they may have.
9. Behind the Scenes
A look at what goes on in a business that people don’t normally get to see is intriguing, and is a great way to show off your company’s culture in a candid and fun way. Don't be so rigid that you can't show others that you are human and you are fun. While they may not be truly candid, they are sometimes easier to put together than other types of videos.
10. Social Media Short-Form
These eye-catching clips can be simple ways to engage your audience on forums such as Tik-Tok or Facebook. These can be funny, quirky, mesmerizing, or simply colorful eye-candy; anything that gets people to take note of your brand among the other trending posts on social media. Study the trends, save the ones that pair well with your company culture, and don't be afraid to give them a try.

Educational Videos:
11. Explanation Videos
Whether it's “A Beginner’s Guide to…,” “ The Basics of…”, “Everything You Need to Know about…”, or “[Fill in the blank] 101”, informational videos which quickly explain concepts are always appreciated. This is especially true if it is put out by a company who specializes in the field of whichever topic they are explaining.
12. Instructional Videos
“How to” and D.I.Y. videos teach people how to do something themselves. It’s the age of information, so why not share the knowledge your company has to empower others. We’re not saying give away any trade secrets, but by offering useful content, you’re building up the reputation of your brand as one who benefits others. Not to mention, these videos can generate valuable revenue and recognition for your company on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Don't underestimate the power of instructional knowledge.
13. Tips, Tricks, Deals, and Steals
Everyone loves a good life hack. Videos that offer tips, tricks, and other advice are sure to be watched. Maybe you discovered something accidentally, maybe you discovered a helpful shortcut on a software you use each day -- chances are someone will benefit from that knowledge and appreciate that you took the time to pass it on. Help make life easier by letting people in on little secrets or strategies is a great way to land some views.
14. Case Studies & Research Summaries
Research is a great way to be convincing, because it’s pretty hard to argue with facts. Make a video about a case study that highlights the effectiveness of your methodology or product.
15. Course Videos
Maybe you are at the point in your company growth where you have a wealth of knowledge to share a about a particular subject. Rather than spending repetitive hours talking to different clients about the same thing, consider monetizing that knowledge through professional course offerings. Start by simplifying your curriculum, adding visuals, and creating modules that will allow someone access to that same wealth of knowledge. One of our specialities is helping clients make their course videos professional and eye-catching, so that they have a passive income asset that can help grow their business for years to come.
Marketing Events:
16. Trailer/Announcement
The same way you may create a trailer about a new product, the same should be done for events. Whether it is a webinar, a live interview, or hosting an event, letting people know through video is a great way to promote your business.
17. Live
People like watching live videos because they offer more reality than other forms of media. Even if it is scripted, the authenticity of watching something while it is actually happening is probably the next best thing to being there in person.
18. Recaps
Post-event posts allow for people who missed the experience to still learn what happened. Review what happened, showing images and clips from the event in such a way where they are going to be sure not to miss your next one.
Recurring / Series:
19. Podcast
Podcasts are nice because they are mostly candid and do not require anything difficult video wise. These are just video recordings of people, often a host and a guest, discussing topics they have some knowledge about. Even just an outline of talking points is enough to give you enough content for an episode.
20. Vlog
Companies can have vlogs too. Depending on what your company does, starting a video blog could be a good way of producing consistent content that covers some of the work you do. Even going the extra mile to add a video summary to your blog postings can add another element of communication and interaction for your clients. Videos also help boost a webpage’s SEO, embedding a short video on your blog of someone talking about the blog topic, is another great way to add more videos to your online marketing campaign.
King Cassandra. “15 Types of Video Marketing To Try in 2022.” (visited 23 June 2022).
“25 Major Types of Video Marketing You Must Know.” Soft Cube. 29 October 2020 (visited 23 June 2022).
Video content significantly helps business and, in my opinion, solves a number of important tasks: you create the tone of your business, by shooting videos you show your professionalism, which increases the trust of the viewer. And video is also a free source of good traffic. This way you give your business more publicity and provide yourself with a competitive advantage. Also, do not forget that your videos should be of the best quality, here you can get acquainted with the best applications for recording video from the screen in 2024