If you're a blogger, designer, or social media manager, then you know how important it is to have access to high-quality stock images. However, not everyone has the budget to purchase stock images from expensive websites. Stock images can greatly benefit small business' and freelancers who need fast media but aren't always able to afford professional photography or videography services. Stock Video and photography is always a nice temporary alternative in these scenarios. Another area in which Stock is helpful is If you are building a website but you don't have all of your photography or video assets ready. You can provide your web designer with stock video and photography that allows for them to get your site live with quality images that become interchangeable when your business is able to hire a professional photographer. Luckily, there are many great websites that offer free stock images you can use for personal or commercial projects. Here are the top 10 best websites to get free stock images:
To Stock or Not?
While stock is great, nothing beats actual photos of your company. So, like alcohol, use stock in moderation. If you overdo it, you’ll begin looking like something you're not. Transparency and honesty are needed to build a customer's trust, and if your company is always hiding behind stock media, then you may find it harder to for customer's to build that trust. There's definitely a time and a place for stock (i.e. on a blog like this), but make sure to balance it out with pictures of your actual company and workers.
Word of Caution: Read the Policies…
Because companies are always updating their policies, you'll want to read through their guidelines to ensure you don’t accidentally use a picture in a way you weren’t supposed to. So before diving into any of these websites, make sure you read through their usage guidelines to make sure you don’t cross any lines you didn't mean to.

Top 10 Stock Photo Websites
1. Unsplash
Unsplash offers a vast collection of high-resolution images, most of which are available for free. They are added by photographers and sometimes even businesses. The website has a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for specific images by keyword, and you can even create collections of your favorite images. While the website also has a paid version, you'll be able to find thousands of great photos on almost any topic free for commercial use.
2. Pexels
Pexels offers a wide variety of free stock images, including landscapes, food, and people. All of the images on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license, which means you can use them for any purpose without attribution - this makes them perfect for your business website.
3. Pixabay
Pixabay offers over 1.8 million free images, vectors, and illustrations. You can use the images on Pixabay for commercial purposes, and there's no need to attribute the photographer or the website.
Gratisography offers a unique collection of high-resolution images that are free to use. The images on Gratisography are quirky, fun, and perfect for creative projects. Definitely worth checking out if you want eye-catching images that really pop.
5. StockSnap
StockSnap offers a vast collection of free stock images, and the website adds hundreds of new images every week. .
6. Burst
Burst is a website created by Shopify that offers free stock images for commercial use. The website has a wide variety of images, including fashion, food, and travel.
7. Reshot
Reshot offers a curated collection of free stock illustrations that are unique and diverse. The icons and vectors images are easy to download and can be used for commercial use. So if you’re looking to switch things up and use some illustrations rather than photos, give Reshot a try.
8. Kaboompics
Kaboompics offers a collection of free stock images that are perfect for bloggers and social media managers. The images on Kaboompics are high-quality and visually appealing. You can even picture search using a color wheel to get images that match your aesthetic.
9. Freepik
Freepik offers a vast collection of free stock images, vectors, and illustrations. The website also has a premium membership option that gives you access to even more resources.
10. Canva
Yeah, Canva is kinda a one-stop-shop for all your creative needs - stock photos included. Canva is a free online graphic design software that also offers a collection of free stock images. The images on Canva are high-quality and easy to use in your designs.
By using these websites, you can access high-quality stock images most of which are free. These websites are perfect for bloggers, designers, and social media managers who need images for their projects but don't have the budget to purchase them.

Top 10 Stock Video Websites
As video content becomes increasingly popular in the digital world, it's important to have access to high-quality stock videos. Fortunately, there are many websites that offer free stock videos that you can use for personal or commercial projects. Here are the top 10 best websites to get free stock videos:
1. Pexels
Pexels offers a wide variety of free stock videos that are available in high definition. The videos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license, which means you can use them for any purpose without attribution.
2. Videvo
Videvo offers a vast collection of free stock videos, motion graphics, and sound effects. The website has a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for specific videos by keyword or category.
3. Coverr
Coverr offers a collection of free stock videos that are perfect for website backgrounds and headers. The website adds new videos every Monday, and all of the videos are licensed under the CC0 license.
4. Pixabay
Pixabay offers a collection of free stock videos that you can use for commercial projects. The website has a wide variety of videos, including time-lapse, slow-motion, and aerial footage.
5. Videezy
Videezy offers a curated collection of free stock videos that you can use for personal or commercial projects. The website also has a premium membership option that gives you access to even more resources.
6. Life of Vids
Life of Vids offers a collection of free stock videos that are available in high definition. The website has a simple search feature that allows you to find videos by keyword or category.
7. Distill
Distill offers a curated collection of free stock videos that are available in high definition. The website adds new videos every 10 days, and all of the videos are licensed under the CC0 license.
8. Mixkit
Mixkit offers a collection of free stock videos that are perfect for social media and website content. The website also has a collection of free music and sound effects.
MotionElements offers a collection of free stock videos, motion graphics, and animations. The website has a wide variety of videos, including 3D animations and special effects.
10. Motion Array
Motion Array offers a collection of free stock videos, motion graphics, and sound effects. The website also has a premium membership option that gives you access to even more resources.

Look through these sites and see which one best suits you and your creative needs. These websites are perfect for content creators who need videos for their projects but don't want to spend the big bucks to purchase them.
However, remember to not spend too much time hiding behind stock photos and videos if you want to promote trust and honesty with your business. While stock looks great, it is also disconnected from your company’s persona. Real photos and videos of your company give transparency which can help build rapport. This is not to say there’s not a time for stock, as every company in our digital age uses stock, but make sure to keep a balance. If you want real photos or videos of your business, then hit us up, as having good visuals of you company is a cornerstone of marketing in the digital age. Get some professional shots of your workers, your location, and your product - just send us a message, and we'll get back to you!